
Coreless induction furnaces are subject to a significant temperature rise. Insertec's refractory products for steel foundry HIC respond perfectly to thermal shock and protect the coils from the liquid bath.

Coreless Induction Furnace \

Coreless Induction Furnace
Propiedades mecánicas Capa de trabajo Punto Crítico

Coreless induction furnace \

  • Sintering security: INSECOAT TAG
  • Silicious chargeable mass:: CUARSIL
  • Neutral chargeable mass:: INSETAG
  • Aluminous concrete: INSECAST / INSELOC
  • Gunitable material: INSEGUN
  • Plastic material: INSEPLAST

Top-Sil \

Piezas prefabricadas hierro

Lo corona es una zona crítica de este tipo de instalación. Nuestra solución: Top-Sil.

  1. Mechanical
    • Larger sintering layer.
    • Resistance to impacts and erosion.
  2. Solution to the expansion between working layer and the top layer
    • Same raw material in all refractories.
    • No joints between layers.
  3. Critical point
    • A solution for the joint between working layer and spout.
  4. Continuous patching
    • This material prevents continuous patching.
  5. Thermal shock
    • Specifically designed to resist the thermal shock.


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